De Sacerdote Del Diablo A Ministro De Jesucristo Libro Pdfgolkes [CRACKED]
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From Devil Priest to Minister of Jesus Christ: The Incredible Story of a Man Who Found God
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a priest of the devil? To worship Satan, perform rituals, cast spells, and invoke demons? To live a life of sin, darkness, and evil? And what if one day, you had a radical encounter with God that changed your life forever?
That is the story of Jesús Salcedo, a former devil priest who became a minister of Jesus Christ. His testimony is one of the most shocking and inspiring stories you will ever read. It is a story of redemption, transformation, and grace. It is a story of how God can save anyone, no matter how far they have fallen.
In this article, we will tell you the amazing story of Jesús Salcedo, based on his book "De Sacerdote Del Diablo A Ministro de Jesucristo" (From Devil Priest to Minister of Jesus Christ). We will also share some lessons and insights that we can learn from his experience. We hope that this article will touch your heart and inspire your faith.
Who is Jesús Salcedo?
Jesús Salcedo was born in San Felipe, Venezuela, on October 15, 1955. He grew up in a poor and violent environment, where he was exposed to crime, drugs, and abuse. He never knew his father, and his mother was an alcoholic who neglected him. He was sexually abused by his uncle when he was seven years old. He also suffered from epilepsy and asthma.
At the age of 12, he joined a gang and became involved in robbery, kidnapping, murder, and drug trafficking. He also developed an interest in occultism and witchcraft. He learned how to read tarot cards, palmistry, astrology, and numerology. He also practiced black magic and voodoo.
At the age of 15, he met a woman who introduced him to Satanism. She invited him to join a secret society called "The Black Order", which was dedicated to worshiping Satan and performing rituals. He accepted the invitation and became a member of the society. He was initiated as a devil priest and received the name "Lucifer".
As a devil priest, he had to obey the commands of Satan and his demons. He had to offer sacrifices of animals and humans to please them. He had to participate in orgies, incest, homosexuality, pedophilia, and cannibalism. He had to curse people and cause harm to them. He had to recruit more followers for Satan.
He also had access to supernatural powers and abilities. He could levitate, teleport, transform into animals, control minds, see the future, and perform miracles. He could invoke demons and command them. He could travel to different dimensions and realms.
He became one of the most powerful and feared devil priests in Venezuela. He had hundreds of followers who respected him and obeyed him. He had wealth, fame, and influence. He had everything he wanted.
But he was not happy.
How did he meet God?
Jesús Salcedo lived as a devil priest for 10 years. During that time, he experienced many horrors and torments. He saw his friends die or go insane. He suffered from nightmares and hallucinations. He felt empty and miserable.
He also faced many challenges and dangers. He had enemies who wanted to kill him or take his place. He had conflicts with other devil priests who envied him or hated him. He had betrayals from his followers who deceived him or abandoned him.
He also felt the wrath of God. He witnessed the power of prayer and faith in the lives of Christians who opposed him or resisted him. He saw how God protected them and blessed them. He saw how God answered their prayers and performed miracles for them.
He began to doubt his beliefs and question his choices. He wondered if Satan was really his friend or his enemy. He wondered if God was really his enemy or his friend. He wondered if there was a way out of his situation.
One day, he decided to end his life. He took a gun and pointed it at his head. But before he could pull the trigger, he heard a voice that said: "Don't do it! I love you! I have a plan for you!"
He was shocked and confused. He looked around but saw no one. He realized that it was the voice of God speaking to him.
He dropped the gun and fell on his knees. He cried out to God for mercy and forgiveness. He asked God to save him from Satan and his demons.
God heard his cry and answered him.
What happened next?
Jesús Salcedo experienced a radical conversion that changed his life forever.
How did his life change after meeting God?
After Jesús Salcedo met God, he experienced a radical change in his life. He renounced Satan and his demons and dedicated his life to Jesus Christ. He destroyed all his occult books, objects, and symbols. He confessed his sins and asked for forgiveness from God and from the people he had harmed. He also received healing from his epilepsy and asthma.
He also faced many challenges and difficulties. He had to deal with the consequences of his past actions. He had to face the wrath of Satan and his demons, who tried to kill him or bring him back to their side. He had to endure persecution, rejection, and mockery from his former friends and followers. He had to learn how to live a new life according to God's will.
But he was not alone. He had God's presence and protection with him. He had God's grace and mercy upon him. He had God's power and authority over him. He also had the support and guidance of other Christians who helped him grow in his faith and knowledge of God.
He also had a new purpose and mission in life. He felt called by God to share his testimony and preach the gospel to others. He wanted to warn people about the dangers of Satanism and occultism, and to show them the love and salvation of Jesus Christ. He also wanted to help other devil priests and followers who wanted to escape from Satan's bondage.
He became a minister of Jesus Christ, traveling around Venezuela and other countries, telling his story and spreading God's word. He also wrote a book about his experience, titled "De Sacerdote Del Diablo A Ministro de Jesucristo" (From Devil Priest to Minister of Jesus Christ). His book has been translated into several languages and has reached many people around the world.
What can we learn from his story?
Jesús Salcedo's story is a powerful example of how God can save anyone, no matter how far they have fallen. It is a testimony of how God can transform anyone, no matter how evil they have been. It is a demonstration of how God can use anyone, no matter how unworthy they feel.
His story teaches us several lessons and insights that we can apply to our own lives:
God loves us unconditionally. He does not reject us or abandon us because of our sins or mistakes. He does not give up on us or leave us hopeless. He always reaches out to us and invites us to come back to him.
God forgives us completely. He does not hold grudges or keep records of our wrongs. He does not punish us or condemn us for our failures. He cleanses us and restores us by his grace.
God heals us holistically. He does not ignore or neglect any aspect of our being. He cares about our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. He restores our wholeness and well-being by his power.
God changes us radically. He does not leave us as we are or let us stay in our comfort zones. He challenges us and confronts us with our issues. He transforms our hearts and minds by his Spirit.
God calls us purposefully. He does not waste our lives or let us wander aimlessly. He gives us a reason and a direction for living. He equips us and empowers us by his gifts.
How can we respond to his story?
Jesús Salcedo's story is not only a story of his life, but also a story of God's love. It is a story that challenges us and inspires us to respond in different ways:
We can respond with gratitude. We can thank God for his amazing grace and mercy that he has shown to Jesús Salcedo and to us. We can praise God for his wonderful works and deeds that he has done in Jesús Salcedo's life and in our lives.
We can respond with repentance. We can examine our own lives and see if there is anything that separates us from God or displeases him. We can confess our sins and ask for forgiveness from God and from others. We can turn away from our evil ways and follow God's ways.
We can respond with faith. We can trust God's promises and plans for our lives. We can believe God's power and authority over our situations. We can rely on God's presence and protection in our struggles.
We can respond with obedience. We can listen to God's voice and follow his guidance. We can do God's will and fulfill his purposes. We can serve God and glorify him in everything we do.
We can respond with love. We can love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. We can love others as ourselves. We can share God's love and salvation with those who do not know him or need him.
Jesús Salcedo is a former devil priest who became a minister of Jesus Christ. His testimony is one of the most shocking and inspiring stories you will ever read. It is a story of redemption, transformation, and grace. It is a story of how God can save anyone, no matter how far they have fallen.
In this article, we have told you the amazing story of Jesús Salcedo, based on his book "De Sacerdote Del Diablo A Ministro de Jesucristo" (From Devil Priest to Minister of Jesus Christ). We have also shared some lessons and insights that we can learn from his experience. We have also suggested some ways that we can respond to his story.
We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. We hope you have enjoyed reading it and learning from it. We hope you have been touched by Jesús Salcedo's story and inspired by his faith.
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